Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Family Visit

Summer arrived, at last.  It  happened during the last two weeks of July.  It was touch and go there for quite awhile, but finally, we could declare, summer arrived.   The lupine bloomed for an extra long time because of the colder than normal temps, but finally the fire weed bloomed. The sun appeared day after day, the temperature rose to the high 60's----maybe even low 70's a couple of days, and people's spirits soared. 

Happily, summer got here just as my daughter and her family did.  We enjoyed every minute of the visit and were very busy showing them all the things/places we've grown to love here.  We toured Homer and shopped on the Spit.  We visited the Lowell Gallery.  The kids really enjoyed a particularly creative and extensive new playground that opened recently.  We went to Seward for a couple days.  We visited the Sea Life Center,  cruised on the Bay of Alaska,  visited  Exit Glacier, and experienced dog sledding sans snow.  Some of the family went fishing numerous times and for the most part, were successful.

In the wild we saw moose, otters, whales, porpoises, seals, sea lions, cranes, eagles, puffins and more.  In fact, we even saw a yow!  How many people can say that?  The kids and I were on the beach one day and along came two women, one with a huge, white, long-haired, long-horned animal.  It had a saddle on its back and was being led on a leash!   Of course we had to inquire about it and were told it was a yow, which is a cross between a cow and a yak.  Who knew?  They also had two small goats on a leash.   What a sight!  It was like something out of  Dr. Seuss.  I guess everyone and everything likes the beach.

One of the sweetest days we had though was a boat trip into many of the coves and fjords across the bay.  Our dear friends borrowed a boat and motored us around for hours in and out of half dozen inlets so we could see "the real Alaska".  What a treat.  We saw scenery that was simply breathtaking.  The mountains, the glaciers, the snow fields, the water, the rock formations, the sea life----all of it just amazing.  Around every corner the view was more gorgeous than the last.  And since the captain of the boat has lived here so long and spent most of his life on the water, he could narrate the tour for us with skill and personal knowledge.  It was awesome.  We all loved it.

I think our family now understands that though the scenery here is magnificent and seeing the animals is exciting, it's the people who really make this place so special.  We have made a remarkable number of friends in the relatively short time we've been here.  People are so open, accepting, and generous.  They are not judgemental.  I feel spoiled and pampered but most of all, grateful.   The people we know here have warmly taken us into their hearts and shared their lives with us.  We have repeatedly been offered  the loan of things we might need and even places to stay when we return.  We have been in homes time after time for meals and gatherings.  They have answered endless questions and been willing to share their life's stories.  They have taken us places and taught us things. They have shared their time.

Our family has left.  It was hard to see them go not only because we will miss them, but also because their leaving was a time-marker.  They had been planning this trip for several years once they knew we were coming here.   We were so eager for them to come and yet, their visit means we have only a very short time to remain here.  We look forward to returning home and catching up with folks.  Our house there will be demanding much of our attention for some time, I'm sure.  But I'm also sure we'll be coming back here.  We have two homes now.

                                                   China Poot Bay off Katchemak Bay

                                                           The harbor at Seward

                                           The fam in front of  Exit Glacier near Seward

                                                            Otters--Gulf of Alaska

                                                 Humpback whale in the Gulf of Alaska

                                                  Yow and goats on the Homer Spit

                                                        Beauty on the Katchemak

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