Friday, April 22, 2011

Where Are We Going, Anyhow?

Where are we going anyhow?  Surprisingly, many people thought we were moving to Arkansas!  With all due respect to that great state, if we were moving there, MY big question would be, "Why?"  And so, a lesson on abbreviations-------------AK is Alaska and AR is Arkansas.

I can only imagine that people who thought we were going to AR were surprised to think of grizzlies, eagles, whales, moose, salmon, and halibut  inhabiting that state!  On the other hand, most people have wondered at our penchant for cold.  At least AR is warm.  To them it makes no sense to move to a COLD place; so we must be going to AR.

I can't explain it, folks.  I can only run with it.  I hate being hot.  I love snow, watching wild life, fishing, and I really love mountains.  All of that is abundant in AK.  Right now there's still two feet of snow on the ground in Homer.  A caveat, though, is that it's light until around 9:30 P.M.  I'm not sure when spring arrives, but I suspect sometime toward the end of May.  Then approximately a week later, it's summer!

A short summer doesn't seem to dampen outdoor activities.  Last week a local golf course opened.  Yep, they play golf up there.  This year, according to The Anchorage Daily News, all 18 holes were available on opening day, something unusual.  Pictures of several golfers wearing winter parkas, hats, gloves teeing off with mounds of snow in the background accompanied the story.  This is definitely a place for thinking outside the box  I love that.

The warmth of AR?  No thanks!  We'll take the majestic mountains, the aurora, exciting wild life, tremendous fishing, laid-back life style, and excitement of driving down rutted pathways disguised as roads......... in AK!


  1. Thank you for the honor...I am an idiot, and know that AR is Arkansas...duh!! But, I did have a nice suggestion if you were going to AR...Why, again, are you going to AK? Moving, or just a short jaunt? Me, personally, like it right where I am. It gets "cold" enough for me to put on a sweater and once in a while we see white stuff fall from the sky and they call it snow down here.

  2. Sue, I have to totally agree with you about the cold and AK!!!! If you've not been there then you have no clue about the draw!! I would love to go back again!!!!!
