Friday, April 29, 2011

Crazy or Courageous?

Crazy or courageous?  I'm not sure which adjective describes what we're doing, but I've heard them both.  I have never defined our adventure either way.  It's just something we want to do.

Over the more than 40 years we've been married, we've lived in a couple of unusual places----Guam, Wyoming.  We've always loved to travel and have visited many exotic places in the world.  Family circumstances were such that we were always on our own.  So I guess we developed a kind of pioneering spirit.  If we had been alive during the 1800's, we probably would have ended up on a covered wagon going West.  But as our one daughter reminds us, it's usually the children who leave home, not the parents!

Believe me, I'm not claiming we've always been smart about our adventures.  Years ago we decided to visit India.  Everyone visits Europe, I reasoned.  Let's go some place most people don't see!  We happened to know someone else who had been there.  She gave me a quick tutorial on how to get a guide.

So off we went, landing in New Delhi while the airport was being expanded.  It was quite a site because there was almost no heavy equipment, but  rather thousands of loin-cloth clad men making, pouring, spreading asphalt by hand.  The temperature was 105.

After we took care of all the formalities of passports, fees, baggage claim, we needed to get a guide; so we did what my friend told me to do.  We stood in the middle of the airport and yelled a man's name!  "Anoop, Anoop Singh" we yelled in all directions.

A few tense moments later a small, middle-aged man approached us claiming to be Anoop Singh.  We hired him on the spot.  He took all our luggage and guided us to his car.  We were with him for the next 10 days, completely dependent on him for transportation, food, settling of arguments with locals, paying fees, information, and itinerary!

We were young and stupid, but it worked out great!  God protected us, although  I'm sure He was shaking His head at us!  Our stay in India was amazing.  We got so close to Anoop that he took us to his home to meet his family, and we corresponded with him for awhile after our trip.

We know people who know people in Alaska, but we don't know anyone directly yet.  We have never driven 6,000 miles on one trip.  We know what minus 40 degrees is like, but we don't know what it's like to be in relative darkness for months at a time----or light, for that matter.  We have experienced snow in May, but not feet of it.  We  have never looked out the window of our house to see glaciers.  We have never seen moose or eagles in our yard.  We have never driven a few miles down the road to a stream to catch salmon for dinner that night.

Crazy or courageous?  It's a matter of perspective.  I like the word, "adventurous"!


  1. I like the word adventurous too! It fits you and this time so much better! Having been in AK, I can SO totally identify with your wanting to go back...I do too!! It is absolutely gorgeous there and I am excited that you are getting to go and spend this time there while you can! What great stories your wonderful grandchildren will have about their grandparents. You're teaching them to go for their dreams, to not let people or things or whatever stop you but to go forward and dare to dream! What a wonderful legacy you are going to leave behind!

  2. I too like the word adventurous. I do believe that in each of us there is a desire to "go" and to "see". Many people push that desire down saying they cannot do that. They have to work. Or, they have to take care of the children. Many excuses jump in and tend to put the fire within them out. Then unfortunately, they do not follow their dreams. I enjoy living on the edge so to speak. People do think boy they must be crazy more than they think they are courageous. I for one wished more people would live on the wild side. It is fun. That is how Sue and I got to Florida many years ago. And then eventually had the honor of doing a great deal of traveling. There is an amazing world out there to "explore". That would be a word I would add to the list. Crazy, courageous, adventurous and explorers are all words that I would say Nelson and Sue are all about. Go have fun and enjoy each other as you enjoy life.
