Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Okay, I have to be honest.  For more than two weeks, even as I was getting this blog going, there was a major upheaval in our plans.  Just days before signing a lease, we learned that the owner of the house we wanted/had in Homer changed his mind about the deal.  The house is for sale, but he had told us he would take it off the market for a year.  Suddenly, he changed his mind and was no longer willing to do that.

So how did we feel about driving 6,000 miles to live in a house where we had no idea how long we could stay and while we were there we would have to "show" to potential buyers?   Forget it!!

With that turn of events, we were homeless in Homer.  Now you have to understand, this is not a city, not even a large town.  There are 4500 people there year round and not much in the way of rentals, especially furnished. Well, there are the $300 per night places for short-term vacationers.  Not our scene.    We quickly decided along the way that we had to be willing to rent an unfurnished place and then buy what we needed up there.  That's cool, I thought.  Shopping and I are close friends. 

With many emails and phone calls we finally found another place.  It sounded good and the owner was positive.  It wasn't available until June 15 so we postponed our trip.    For two weeks we were almost certain that we would have this new place.


As of today, we are back to square one.  It's easy to be discouraged, easy to feel angry.  Today I've been flitting between  both.  And then I remember that this is testing, testing.  Tests are not fun, but they are necessary.   If a task is "easy", it's not as much fun, and where is the victory?

Of course, I'm preaching to myself, here.

It's still about four hours too early to get on the phone and try, try again.  Making these types of phone calls has always been hard for me.  I would rather have a root canal. This is why secretarial work was never one of my career considerations.  I'm usually relieved when no one answers.  Unfortunately, Nelson feels the same way; so guess who gets to do the calling?   But, hey, do I want to live in AK or not?

So..........one ringy dingy; two ringy dingies.........

Flexibility, a very useful quality!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I am sorry to hear the second one fell through too! You are doing an amazing job though, realizing it is indeed a test!

    "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." (Romans 12:12)

    "Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." (Romans 5:3-4)

    I will keep you in my prayers! *hug*
