Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dog At The Window

Right now Tuhlula, our black and white lab/boxer dog, is sitting directly in front of me staring out the window.  It's a beautiful day out there, a day she would mormally be outside sunning herself, her naps punctuated with frenzied Ups truck chasing.

Tuhlula has a real love-hate affair with box trucks.  She barks and carries on frantically inside or out when one comes by.  But I think she secretly loves them because they give her an excuse to run an impromptu race through our yard at breakneck speed.  She usually wins.  The various drivers know her and comment about her racing prowess when they happen to stop at my house.  They often leave a milk bone with my packages!

But today she has to stay inside.  She doesn't like that.  Nelson is spraying the yard with weed killer.  It would be very bad for her to be around that.  And furthermore, she'll have to endure for about three days!  She doesn't know that yet.  So she sits, staring.  Every once in awhile she will moan and sigh.  But she never gets mean with us, her masters.  She never growls, bares her teeth, gets moody, chews up shoes or furniture.  She always has a wag, a kiss, excitement for us when we pay attention to her.  In this way she has more sense, trust and "maturity" than most humans.

Nelson and I are currently staring out a "window" too.  Noses pressed, sighing sighs, wondering.  I have lost track of what "plan" we're on.  It must be double by now!  I'm grateful plan A didn't work.  There are a host of reasons why it wasn't the best.  We know that now.  And because in hindsight we understand that, we can trust that plan double S wasn't the best either, along with all the plans that went before.

As for plan double U?  I don't even know what that is!  I'm fresh out of plans.  That's probably a good thing.  So we'll just take it "one day at a time".  What an easy thing to say but hard thing to do!  We'll keep trying though.  God, help me to at least have the sense, trust and maturity Tuhlula does!  I don't want to sacrifice "the best" on the altar of "the good".  I need to just keep looking out the window-----expecting, trusting, grateful that I'm not in charge!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes the plan might be outside of your ability to plan. You will eventually know what to do. Perhaps the lesson is to listen?
