Tuesday, May 24, 2011


No more looking out windows (see blog titled "Dog at the Window").  No more waiting.  Whatever isn't packed gets left behind.  We are on our way!  After more than five years of planning and dreaming, saving and preparing, we are leaving for Alaska in a few days.

There was a time when dreaming wasn't part of what we did.  We were busy with careers and raising four kids.  Life was good but intense.  We kept our heads down and our motors running.  Even vacations were few and far between.  Oh, we got to travel quite a bit, but most of that was in conjunction with Nelson's work so that I got to see the sights while he got to give seminars and attend meetings.

I'm not complaining.  We have had a great life together.  Dreaming was not a highly developed skill in either of us though until the kids began leaving home, salaries became more than barely adequate, and the edges on the daily "gind" smoothed out somewhat.  Slowly we lifted our heads and began to see a fun and interesting world out there beyond kids and work.

I honestly can't remember when this particular dream took on a life of its own.  It was a birthday; so new binoculars were purchased.  It was Christmas; so we bought fishing equipment and a NOAA weather radio.  Our car had an argument with a deer and lost; so we replaced it with an all-wheel drive SUV.  Slowly and steadily our dream took shape, and we collected what we needed for our adventure.

That adventure is here now.  We're like kids on Christmas Eve.  There's much to be done in these last few days in Pennsylvania, but we're up for it.  Dreaming is a good thing.  Realizing a dream is even better!


  1. Yay for dreams, dreaming and following thru on them!!!!

  2. Oh I am so super excited for you and Nelson! And for once I am glad for technology; it keeps us updated and we sort of can come along with you. =)
