Friday, May 13, 2011


Odyssey-------"a long series of wanderings or adventures, especially when filled with notable experiences, hardships, etc."  Little did I know how prophetic the title of my blog would be.  Nelson submitted it when I asked for suggestions.  I loved the double-entendre.

Homer, the Greek poet, wrote  The Odyssey  almost three thousand years ago.  It is an epic poem--12,110 lines-- about Odysseus's trip home after the Trojan War.  The man had problems!  It took him ten years to get home.

While our story may not be all the way to "epic", it certainly is on that road, quickly passing many mileposts.  But hey, smooth and easy was never promised!

 The collective life of our family took a sharp turn toward the scary when one of our members landed in surgery for a quadruple by-pass and valve repair.  This scenario is common to many families, I'm sure, but not when the patient is only 38 years old!  Fantasizing our family's story, I had never pictured one of my daughters being widowed during my lifetime!  Fortunately, the procedures were successful and recovery has begun.

Before all this happened, as you may recall, we were having trouble finding a place to live in Homer.  We thought we had two different houses only to loose them both and so had to postpone our departure by two weeks.  We didn't know it then but now realize  we needed to be here.  How unfortunate and frustrating it would have been to be on the road somewhere in the wilds of British Columbia when all this drama was taking place in PA!

Now, at last, we're able to breathe.  The crisis is abating; my daughter is demonstrating grace and maturity under very difficult circumstances; her husband is recovering; we're able to make final preparations to start our trip.

 Oh, and one more completely fantastic and amazing thing.  We have a house to go to----one that is better than any other house we considered, one where there's plenty of room for guests and when you look out the window or sit on the deck, you're looking at water, mountains and glaciers!  Or you could be looking at a moose!  It's fully furnished and yet cheaper than others we didn't get.  How awesome is that?


  1. Have you ever considered the part in the Bible where He tells us that we do not think the way He does? When situations like this arise it makes one wonder why we can see hindsight so well and not foresight. It is because God does not want us to see all of the things that are coming our way so that we will depend on Him. As a friend said one time, "if you are not living on the edge then you are taking up too much space." I believe the two of you are not taking up too much space. So as God leads you on this trip, hold on to Him. It is exciting even challenging at times. Good news on Jim recovering so well. We will keep praying for all of you.

  2. It really us amazing how God places you here when your family needed you. His plans are such mysteries to us sometimes, but so elegant. Blessings to you and your family.
